Monday, January 10, 2011


This unfathomable trend needs to STOP!  Men in UGG BOOTS is as wrong as a Gays and Lesbians joining the Republican Party.  Why do men believe this is okay???  One suggestion, as popular with most people, is the individual wearing this atrocious footwears is either gay or simply is an idiot.  For the record I believe its the latter.  Several weeks a go I saw a pair of black FUGG boots on sale in Bloomingdales.  I abruptly commented on who in their right mind would purchase such a thing to which the sales person replied that the department store sells out of them each and every season.  I didn't know I was thinking out loud.  This needs to stop!  Really guys you need to know this is not okay!  Yes I realize they are comfortable as so many women have told me but really???  There is no fashionable manner to which these boots can be worn.  Please leave it to the ladies. 


Unknown said...

NOOooooo! this an abomination! I hate when trends go to far!...this is one of those moments. a pity. really.

Anonymous said...

why don't you shut the fuck up! Who cares if you like it or not! Please people get a life...

Anonymous said...

Why should a gay or lesbian person not join the Republican Party? If you don’t have the swag to pull off ugg boots as a man just say so and move on. Speak for yourself