Monday, April 11, 2011

Leggings for Men. I Have No Words...

Leggings for Men courtesy of Zara.  I have to give this look the big DOUBLEDCHERRY stamp of FUCK NO!  Why would any man consider wearing something like this in the public arena.  Unless he was going to wear it underneath a pair of sweat shorts pairing them with a pair of high tops courtesy of Rick Owens, then maybe I can understand.  But to actually try and rock this look.  And you know what?  There are some dudes who would actually pair this with a tote bag!  At that point you're just begging to be either laughed at or getting your ass kicked from here to Nantucket for poor taste.  Needless to say it leaves little to the imagination.

Zara March April Lookbook

It's All In The Cut


via The Style Blogger

Suede [This Time]