Monday, January 31, 2011

Banski drops yet another bomb in L.A.


With Exit Through the Gift Shop (aka the Banksy movie) getting a Best Documentary Oscar nomination in the wee hours of Tuesday morning, in the wee hours one morning a few days later this large piece of street art showed up on La Brea at San Vicente, in the oft-used Mr. Brainwash space. There is, indeed, a Mr Brainwash signature next to the giant hoodie-shrouded Oscar statuette (at the end of a sidewalk red carpet, no less) and some showbiz-y busied Storm Troopers hanging around--err...hovering around from above, too.
This new work raises a few questions: Is this Mr. Brainwash's way of getting ready for the media frenzy of the Academy Awards? If Gift Shop wins, who will go onstage to accept? Mr. Brainwash really Banksy?

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