Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ralph Lauren Debuts $2,000 Denim

Seriously, even if you had dead prez's coming out of your sphincter, would u pay $2,000 for a pair denim pants which probably took all of 5 minutes to sew together?
 via The Huffington Post

Ralph Lauren 
Now in the running for the most expensive jeans: Ralph Lauren Collection Denim -- skinny pants, jeggings and trenchcoats priced from $300 to $2,000, Women's Wear Daily reports. There will even be shirts, which are apparently a touchy subject. Lauren told the fashion newspaper, "When you will go into the shop, it's not going to be about a denim shirt. It's too iconic. I didn't want to do cowboys here. This is really about sophisticated dressing." He prefers to pair his new jeans with white shirts and turtlenecks, instead.
Take a look at Tuesday's cover of WWD, which features a photo of the new duds.
(Image by John Aquino/Women's Wear Daily)

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